Coopers Green Park Enhancement Project

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Join us at the Seaside Centre in Sechelt on January 28 for an open house on this project! Click here for more information.

It’s time to have your say and help shape the future of Coopers Green Park in Halfmoon Bay.

As a popular destination for gathering, recreation, and taking in amazing views, Coopers Green Park holds a special place not just for the community of Halfmoon Bay, but for others throughout the Sunshine Coast who have spent time there.

The enhancement project currently being undertaken by the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) aims to improve everyone’s experience at the park. Are there more options needed for rest, recreation and play for all ages?

This is where you, the community come in. Right now, we need five minutes of your time to answer a quick questionnaire about Coopers Green. What do you like about it now? What would you like to see considered as part of the enhancement process? There’s also an opportunity to add a picture of something you may have seen elsewhere that you think could work at Coopers Green.

Key to this project is input from YOU, our community. On this page you can

Read the community survey summary (The survey ran from November 14 until December 13)

Read important information on what is out of scope / not part of this project.

Check out the timeline for this project, including when opportunities for community input will take place.

Check out the site map for Coopers Green.

Community engagement on this project will take place in three phases.

Phase 1 - Fall / Winter 2024A questionnaire will be launched in the community. This questionnaire will determine what the community would like to see in the park and will help inform phase 2 of engagement.
Phase 2 - Winter 2024 / Early 2025Following community feedback on the park through a questionnaire, SCRD staff and the landscape architect for the project will bring forward some themes of what enhancements could look like for the park. This phase will include an in-person opportunity for community feedback.
Phase 3 - Winter / Spring 2025Phase 3 will see the final concept and design for the park provided on the Lets Talk Page for the project.

Join us at the Seaside Centre in Sechelt on January 28 for an open house on this project! Click here for more information.

It’s time to have your say and help shape the future of Coopers Green Park in Halfmoon Bay.

As a popular destination for gathering, recreation, and taking in amazing views, Coopers Green Park holds a special place not just for the community of Halfmoon Bay, but for others throughout the Sunshine Coast who have spent time there.

The enhancement project currently being undertaken by the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) aims to improve everyone’s experience at the park. Are there more options needed for rest, recreation and play for all ages?

This is where you, the community come in. Right now, we need five minutes of your time to answer a quick questionnaire about Coopers Green. What do you like about it now? What would you like to see considered as part of the enhancement process? There’s also an opportunity to add a picture of something you may have seen elsewhere that you think could work at Coopers Green.

Key to this project is input from YOU, our community. On this page you can

Read the community survey summary (The survey ran from November 14 until December 13)

Read important information on what is out of scope / not part of this project.

Check out the timeline for this project, including when opportunities for community input will take place.

Check out the site map for Coopers Green.

Community engagement on this project will take place in three phases.

Phase 1 - Fall / Winter 2024A questionnaire will be launched in the community. This questionnaire will determine what the community would like to see in the park and will help inform phase 2 of engagement.
Phase 2 - Winter 2024 / Early 2025Following community feedback on the park through a questionnaire, SCRD staff and the landscape architect for the project will bring forward some themes of what enhancements could look like for the park. This phase will include an in-person opportunity for community feedback.
Phase 3 - Winter / Spring 2025Phase 3 will see the final concept and design for the park provided on the Lets Talk Page for the project.

  • Join the Conversation – Coopers Green Park Enhancements

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    The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) invites you to an open house for the Coopers Green Park Enhancements project.

    The event offers an opportunity for the community to review feedback gathered from a recent community survey and explore exciting design concepts that have been developed for the park.

    Survey Responses

    The SCRD received 471 responses to the recent community survey, reflecting the community’s priorities for park improvements. The summary of these responses can be found by clicking here.

    The response from the community indicated that the most popular areas for enhancement at the park include washroom facilities and areas for social gatherings and events. Parking at Coopers Green Park and the preservation of the natural beauty of the area also ranked high.

    Open House

    When: Tuesday January 28, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
    Where: Seaside Centre, 5790 Teredo Street, Sechelt

    Join SCRD staff and the project’s landscape architect to view and discuss design options for the park. These designs highlight themes that align with the $600,000 budget for enhancements. Can’t attend in person? No problem! The design options will be available on the Let’s Talk project page just before the open house, where you can also provide your feedback.

    Out of Scope

    A reminder that two features of the park are not in scope of this project. These include the boat ramp and the hall. A separate planning project is set to get underway for the boat ramp and the SCRD is currently in discussions with a third party to take on the operations of the hall.

    You can stay up to date on this project at

Page last updated: 10 Jan 2025, 11:30 AM