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Opportunity for feedback on the concepts has now closed. Stay tuned for updates!
It’s time to have your say and help shape the future of Coopers Green Park in Halfmoon Bay.
As a popular destination for gathering, recreation, and taking in amazing views, Coopers Green Park holds a special place not just for the community of Halfmoon Bay, but for others throughout the Sunshine Coast who have spent time there.
The enhancement project currently being undertaken by the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) aims to improve everyone’s experience at the park. Are there more options needed for rest, recreation and play for all ages?
This is where you, the community come in. Right now, we need five minutes of your time to answer a quick questionnaire about Coopers Green. What do you like about it now? What would you like to see considered as part of the enhancement process? There’s also an opportunity to add a picture of something you may have seen elsewhere that you think could work at Coopers Green.
Key to this project is input from YOU, our community. On this page you can
Read the community survey summary (The survey ran from November 14 until December 13)
Read important information on what is out of scope / not part of this project.
Check out the timeline for this project, including when opportunities for community input will take place.
Check out the site map for Coopers Green.
Community engagement on this project will take place in three phases.
Phase 1 - Fall / Winter 2024
A questionnaire will be launched in the community. This questionnaire will determine what the community would like to see in the park and will help inform phase 2 of engagement.
Phase 2 - Winter 2024 / Early 2025
Following community feedback on the park through a questionnaire, SCRD staff and the landscape architect for the project will bring forward some themes of what enhancements could look like for the park. This phase will include an in-person opportunity for community feedback.
Phase 3 - Winter / Spring 2025
Phase 3 will see the final concept and design for the park provided on the Lets Talk Page for the project.
Opportunity for feedback on the concepts has now closed. Stay tuned for updates!
It’s time to have your say and help shape the future of Coopers Green Park in Halfmoon Bay.
As a popular destination for gathering, recreation, and taking in amazing views, Coopers Green Park holds a special place not just for the community of Halfmoon Bay, but for others throughout the Sunshine Coast who have spent time there.
The enhancement project currently being undertaken by the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) aims to improve everyone’s experience at the park. Are there more options needed for rest, recreation and play for all ages?
This is where you, the community come in. Right now, we need five minutes of your time to answer a quick questionnaire about Coopers Green. What do you like about it now? What would you like to see considered as part of the enhancement process? There’s also an opportunity to add a picture of something you may have seen elsewhere that you think could work at Coopers Green.
Key to this project is input from YOU, our community. On this page you can
Read the community survey summary (The survey ran from November 14 until December 13)
Read important information on what is out of scope / not part of this project.
Check out the timeline for this project, including when opportunities for community input will take place.
Check out the site map for Coopers Green.
Community engagement on this project will take place in three phases.
Phase 1 - Fall / Winter 2024
A questionnaire will be launched in the community. This questionnaire will determine what the community would like to see in the park and will help inform phase 2 of engagement.
Phase 2 - Winter 2024 / Early 2025
Following community feedback on the park through a questionnaire, SCRD staff and the landscape architect for the project will bring forward some themes of what enhancements could look like for the park. This phase will include an in-person opportunity for community feedback.
Phase 3 - Winter / Spring 2025
Phase 3 will see the final concept and design for the park provided on the Lets Talk Page for the project.
Three distinct concept strategies have been developed which can be achieved within the allocated budget for this project. Each offers a unique approach to park enhancements.
The following concept boards each present a different vision for Coopers Green Park, with varying levels of development and amenities. We encourage you to explore each option carefully, considering the following:
Priorities: What aspects of park improvement are most important to you?
Trade-offs: What are you willing to forego in order to achieve other desired enhancements?
Long-term Vision: How might each concept contribute to the future of Coopers Green Park?
We recognize that we cannot fulfill every desire within this project. Your feedback on these concepts will help us identify the community’s priorities and guide us towards a preferred design that best balances needs, aspirations, and available resources.
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Negotiations are currently underway for a third-party to take on operations of the hall. This is being done under a formal expression of interest process.
Boat Ramp
A separate project is underway for repairs to the boat ramp.
Road improvements
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) is responsible for Fishermans Road and Redrooffs Road. These roads are not in the SCRD's jurisdiction.
Site Map
Project Timeline
Engagement Planning
Coopers Green Park Enhancement Project has finished this stage
Summer and Fall 2024. SCRD staff commenced work with a landscape architect on the park enhancements project. The landscape architect is getting up to speed on the history of this project as planning gets underway for community conversations about the future of the park.
Phase One Community Engagement
Coopers Green Park Enhancement Project has finished this stage
A questionnaire will be launched in the community. This questionnaire will determine what enhancement opportunities the community would like to see in the park and will help inform phase 2 of engagement.
Fall / Winter 2024
Phase Two Community Engagement
Coopers Green Park Enhancement Project has finished this stage
Following community feedback on the park through a questionnaire, SCRD staff and the landscape architect for the project will bring forward some themes of what enhancements could look like for the park. This phase will include an in-person opportunity for community feedback.
Winter 2024 / Early 2025
Conceptual Design Development
Coopers Green Park Enhancement Project is currently at this stage
Following community input, work will being on a conceptual design for the park.
Project Phase Three
this is an upcoming stage for Coopers Green Park Enhancement Project
Phase 3 will see the final concept and design for the park provided on the Lets Talk Page for the project.
Spring 2025
Finalize Design
this is an upcoming stage for Coopers Green Park Enhancement Project
A design will be finalized for the park enhancements. This design will then be used to prepare a request for proposal for construction of the project.
A number of additional steps are also required at this time before construction would begin. This includes for example permitting and archaeological work. Coopers Green Park is a known site of archaeological significance.
Summer / Fall 2025
Request for Proposal for Construction
this is an upcoming stage for Coopers Green Park Enhancement Project
A request for proposal for construction will be issued. The timeline on this is dependent on permitting and archaeological work.
Construction Begins
this is an upcoming stage for Coopers Green Park Enhancement Project
Once a successful tender has been received for construction and all permitting is in place, work will begin on the parks enhancements.