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Coopers Green Park Concepts - Provide your Feedback

Three distinct concept strategies have been developed which can be achieved within the allocated budget for this project. Each offers a unique approach to park enhancements.

The following concept boards each present a different vision for Coopers Green Park, with varying levels of development and amenities. We encourage you to explore each option carefully, considering the following:

Priorities: What aspects of park improvement are most important to you?

Trade-offs: What are you willing to forego in order to achieve other desired enhancements?

Long-term Vision: How might each concept contribute to the future of Coopers Green Park?

We recognize that we cannot fulfill every desire within this project. Your feedback on these concepts will help us identify the community’s priorities and guide us towards a preferred design that best balances needs, aspirations, and available resources.

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Concept Strategy 01 - Coastal Commons

COASTAL COMMONS features a new covered outdoor picnic/performance space with additional informal spill out gathering features that are suited for all ages and abilities. In addition to the main feature of a covered outdoor structure, interactive amenities such as an outdoor ping pong table or fitness equipment may be added. These features invite visitors to gather, play, and connect. It seamlessly blends active and social spaces, offering a welcoming environment for families, friends, and community groups to enjoy the park’s natural setting all year long.

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