Questions About Meter Installations

    What type of fittings are used for the water meter installations?

    We are aware of recent social media discussions expressing concern over the fittings used in the water meter installation project within the District of Sechelt. To clarify, our contractor has advised they are only using brass compression fittings for this project and not the fittings commonly referred to as ‘sharkbite’ fittings.  


    What is the role of the Neptune technicians?

    Neptune technicians are contractors responsible for the installation of water meters. They will not be performing any work other than installing the water meter.

    How long will the installation take? Do I have to be home for the installation?

    The installation will take approximately one hour. You are not required to be home for the installation.

    Who do I contact in case of an emergency situation?

    For water meter related emergencies, call 1-800-667-4387. For all other water emergencies, call the Sunshine Coast Regional District at (604) 885-6806.

    What determines if the meter is installed inside or outside?

    When a zone is ready for crews to start work in, a general canvas occurs to find locations that qualify for inside installations. This is fairly uncommon, however it is determined by a variety of factors including depth of existing service line, condition of curb stop, proximity to buildings and accessibility.

    There are multiple dwellings on my property, can I have multiple meters?

    For properties with water meters, the SCRD has installed a water meter at every service connection. In most cases, properties will have one service connection and one meter.

    Will the meter installation process impact existing plumbing?

    The water meter installation process should not impact any existing plumbing that has been installed properly and is in good condition and properly maintained.

    Any issues or emergencies related to a new water meter installation should be directed to Neptune Technology Group at 1-800-667-4387

    Who is responsible for maintaining the meter?

    After the meter is installed, the Sunshine Coast Regional District is responsible for future maintenance, provided you take reasonable precaution to prevent damage. As with a hydro meter, it is illegal to tamper with the water meter.

Questions About The Water Meter Program and Rates

    Why is the SCRD installing water meters?

    Some properties do not currently have a water meter and will have one installed so it can be read by SCRD staff during monthly meter reads. Collecting water meter data helps locate leaks and monitor consumption, which can empower residents with data and encourage more efficient use of drinking water.

    Was the public consulted about implementing water metering?

    The SCRD Board adopted the Comprehensive Regional Water Plan in 2013, which sets the direction and priorities for drinking water initiatives, including increasing water supply in combination with metering to manage demand. A public engagement process was held in 2013 leading up to the adoption of this plan. Residents were provided the opportunity to complete a survey or attend open houses to provide input, including water metering to manage water demand. Most respondents were in favour of water metering.

    What areas of the Sunshine Coast have water meters?

    The Town of Gibsons was the first area on the Sunshine Coast to implement water metering. In 2014 and 2015, the SCRD installed its first water meters for properties in Pender Harbour. In 2017 and 2018, installations were completed in the rural Electoral Areas of Halfmoon Bay, Roberts Creek, Elphinstone, West Howe Sound (excluding Hopkins Landing), Egmont and Earls Cove.

    Are new developments and population growth the reason we need water meters?

    No, water meters would be part of an integrated approach to water with or without population growth. The SCRD continues to analyze and estimate future water demand in the region, and plan accordingly. There are several water supply projects underway to help expand the current system. In addition, the SCRD will review the relevant water bylaws and seek public input on ways to limit the impacts of growth on water demand, to ensure we can meet the needs of residents now and in the future.

    Will a water meter affect my property?

    Water meters have backflow preventers that protect the water system from potential contamination by ensuring that water from the household or other activities does not flow back into the distribution system. Your home should be equipped with a pressure relief system. Homeowners should ensure their hot water tank has a pressure relief valve that is properly maintained. If your plumbing is old, a certified plumber can help determine your needs.

    My property has a water meter. Can I receive my water meter data?

    Sign up for a monthly update of average daily water use at your property by contacting and include: 

    • First and Last Name
    • Water Account Number
    • Email Address

    How will the water meter be read?

    The new water meter includes a remote (wireless) transmitter. The transmitter uses radio frequency communication technology certified by industry Canada. This is similar to what is used in other small household appliances, such as cordless phones, garage door openers, internet routers and TV/VCR/DVD remote controls. The transmitter is designed to avoid harmful interference with devices so that you may enjoy uninterrupted use of such household appliances.

    Is the SCRD actively fixing water main leaks?

    The SCRD is continuously improving water main monitoring to increase efficiency. There are a variety of tools to monitor and detect water main leaks, including notifications from residents and water meter data. However, small leaks can be difficult to detect if they are not visible, and for this reason some undetected leakage can be expected. A leak correlator will be piloted in 2021 to support further leak detection in water mains.

    Why do I pay for water?

    The SCRD charges the public for water use like any utility or service. There are costs associated with the treatment and supply of clean and safe drinking water, such as: 

    • Construction and capital investments in our drinking water system
    • Maintenance, repair and replacement of pipes, pumps, reservoirs and other infrastructure 
    • Operations, including staffing, materials for the treatment process and energy (electricity) costs 

    1 Environment Canada. (2011). 2011 Municipal water use report: Municipal water use 2009 statistics. Government of Canada.

    When water meters are installed, will the rates change?

    Residential properties currently pay a flat rate for water user fees, while commercial properties pay a volumetric rate (pay per use). The SCRD initiated a water rate structure review in early 2023. The SCRD Board has since directed staff to develop an implementation plan for volumetric billing, beginning with North and South Pender Harbour. Read more about it here. Changes to the rates structure or service charges must be approved by the SCRD Board.