Sans Souci Watermain
Consultation has concluded
The Sans Souci Watermain Replacement and Relocation project is nearing completion. A few minor items remain, including the installation of signage on fencing and site clean up.
Thank you to area residents for their patience during construction. Also, thank you to the prime contractor, Drake Excavating, for their diligence throughout the duration of this project.
We are happy to share that the project is completing within the proposed timeline and the originally approved budget.
The Contractor, Drake Excavating, has scheduled paving for Friday, June 28th from approximately 1pm to 5pm. Please expect delays for vehicles crossing the bridge at this time.
Traffic Control and Drake’s Superintendent, Dan, will be onsite to direct any pedestrian traffic across (when safe) if vehicular access is blocked.
If you have questions, please contact Dan at 604-825-9502 or Drake’s office at 604-457-1992.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
The Contractor, Drake Excavating, has scheduled a day of road closure and water shut off to tie in the new watermain to the existing watermain on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, between 9 am and 5 pm.
Please keep an eye on your mailboxes and check your doorways for any notices and make any necessary preparations to reduce the impacts on your household. The notice of disruption can be viewed here.
Some preparations that you may wish to consider include:
- Schedule any water-related tasks during times/days not impacted by water shut off. For example, running appliances, pressure washing, watering, showering/bathing.
- Have an independent water supply on hand for drinking or other tasks requiring water, as you will not have access to water from taps or hose bibs. For example, water bottles and water jugs.
If you have any questions, please contact the Site Superintendent, Joe Daignault at 604-842-6880 or call Drake’s office at 604-457-1992.
This watermain is located in a spill way under a bridge along Sans Souci Road and is the only supply to approximately 200 residents in the Secret Cove area. During routine maintenance and resurfacing of the watermain, weeping started to take place.
Engineer recommendations have been made to relocate the watermain out of the spill way.
Emergency temporary measures were taken to mitigate the weeping, however relocation of the watermain from underneath and within the bridge structure to a new alignment adjacent to and parallel to the top of the bridge is imperative to ensuring no major service disruption occurs to those approximate 200 residents.
Project Timeline
The project is estimated to take approximately 2 months with a start date of May 13, 2024.
Construction Hours
Construction will take place Monday through Friday from 7 am to 5 pm and when required, Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm. No construction will take place on Sundays or Statutory holidays.
Notice of Work
The Contractor, Drake Excavating, has mailed notice of work letters to residents in the area where work will be taking place. The letter can be viewed here. Notice of work letters have also been sent to residents in the vicinity of the project and the letter can be viewed here.
Notice of Disruptions
Minimal traffic and water service disruptions are anticipated. The Contractor will hand deliver notices for any scheduled disruptions, noting the type, date and time of disruption, please see an example notice here.
Project Scope
The work required to relocate the watermain will include the following (Project Plan and Profile View Drawing):
- Site Preparation
- Blasting: approximately 5 cubic metres of bedrock will be removed for placement of concrete pipe supports. This work will be carried out by a qualified professional and will strictly follow WorkSafeBC Regulations, safety checks and safety protocols.
- Tree Removal: a select number of trees will be removed to allow for the construction of the new concrete pipe supports and installation of the new watermain. Only those trees in the direct work area will be removed and other trees in the work area will be protected with fencing.
- Excavation
- Forming and concrete placement for pipe supports
- Installation and testing of new watermain
- Installation of new guardrails on the bridge
If you have concerns or special requests that must be addressed once the project has started, please call a Contractor's Site Superintendent, Dan Bourgeault at 604-825-9502 or Joe Daignault at 604-842-6880, or call Drake’s office at 604-457-1992.
Any after-hour water emergencies should be directed to SCRD’s Emergency Water/Wastewater Answering Service at 1-866-291-4645.
Should you require further information regarding this project, please email the SCRD’s Capital Projects Division at For information on the SCRD’s other watermain replacement projects, go to, or call 604-885-6800.