Project Dates
Hopkins Landing Closed
Due to significant safety issues, identified by an report provided to the SCRD Board, Hopkins Landing is closed for public use.
Public Engagement Period Begins
Following approval of a budget for the renovation of the dock and hiring of a contracotr to lad the renovation project, public engagement will commence on April 16.
Open House - Public Event
You can join SCRD staff and the local contractor working on this project for an open house between 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on May 1 at the Gibsons and Area Community Centre.
If you are unable to attend, you can also join the online portion of the open house which will commence with a presentation at 6 p.m. Links to join this portion are below.
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Public Engagement Period Ends
Following the Open House, Public Engagement ends on May 10 with a final design to follow.
Request for Proposal Issued
Staff issued a request for proposal for construction of the project.
Anticipated Construction Award Report to the SCRD Board
In November, it is anticipated that SCRD staff will bring forward a report to the SCRD Board to award a construction contract. This is pending submissions received during the request for proposal process.
Anticipated Construction Start
Pending a successful bid through the request for proposal process, it is anticipated that construction will begin in January.
Construction Underway
Materials will begin arriving on-site the week of January 24th, stored on a barge and at the foot of Hopkins Road. No road closures are expected, though some areas around the dock will be fenced off for public safety.
Construction will begin the last week of January and is expected to be completed by the end of February. Timelines are subject to weather and tidal conditions