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The Eastbourne Water System located on the eastern portion of Keats Island serves about 170 properties and is generally at Stage 4 Water Conservation Regulations through the summer months. The SCRD has initiated a groundwater feasibility study to explore new sources to potentially increase water supply to this water system.
In 2020, the SCRD initiated the Eastbourne Groundwater Desktop Feasibility Study. This study assessed how much more water is needed to meet community demand, potential options for new groundwater wells, and performed preliminary testing and analysis of a private well in the vicinity of the Eastbourne Water System. The study was completed by ISL Engineering and Land Services Limited and recommended developing up to three additional wells in the Eastbourne Water System.
In March 2022, the SCRD retained ISL to complete their study recommendations, which focused on drilling three new test wells in late 2022 to determine the best location to add new groundwater well(s).
Preliminary engineering and design report was presented to the SCRD's Committee of the Whole on October 26, 2023. The report can be found on the right panel of this page.
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The Eastbourne Water System located on the eastern portion of Keats Island serves about 170 properties and is generally at Stage 4 Water Conservation Regulations through the summer months. The SCRD has initiated a groundwater feasibility study to explore new sources to potentially increase water supply to this water system.
In 2020, the SCRD initiated the Eastbourne Groundwater Desktop Feasibility Study. This study assessed how much more water is needed to meet community demand, potential options for new groundwater wells, and performed preliminary testing and analysis of a private well in the vicinity of the Eastbourne Water System. The study was completed by ISL Engineering and Land Services Limited and recommended developing up to three additional wells in the Eastbourne Water System.
In March 2022, the SCRD retained ISL to complete their study recommendations, which focused on drilling three new test wells in late 2022 to determine the best location to add new groundwater well(s).
Preliminary engineering and design report was presented to the SCRD's Committee of the Whole on October 26, 2023. The report can be found on the right panel of this page.