News Release - Have your say on Curbside Recycling Collection Service

Sechelt, BC — January 18, 2021 — The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) is asking for feedback on the possible implementation of a curbside recycling collection service for residences in Electoral Areas B (Halfmoon Bay), D (Roberts Creek), E (Elphinstone) and F (West Howe Sound) who currently receive garbage and food waste collection.
You can have your say by filling out a short questionnaire online at
“The results of this questionnaire will be presented to the SCRD Board who will determine next steps,” says Robyn Cooper, Manager, Solid Waste Services. “Should the SCRD Board decide to proceed with this service, it is anticipated that a curbside recycling collection service could begin in 2022.”
According to the SCRD’s 2014 waste composition study, residential curbside garbage contained on average 25% recyclable items such as paper, plastic and metal containers. “Recycling is important because it reduces the use of raw materials and saves valuable landfill space,” says Cooper.
The service would be every-other-week and would alternate with garbage collection. For example, week 1 - Green Bin and Garbage, week 2 - Green Bin and Recycling.
Like garbage and food waste collection, an opt-out option will not be available.
There would be no maximum amount of recycling collected per household. Residents will be able to place as many blue bins as needed.
The curbside recycling service would be part of the provincial Recycle BC Program. Recycle BC would provide the SCRD a-per household rate to offset part of the service costs. After the materials are collected, Recycle BC would fund all of the transportation and processing costs.
The questionnaire is open until Friday February 19, 2021. Paper copies are available by request at or 604-885-6806.
Consultation has concluded